Bible Reading: Acts 2, Psalms 51
Do You Need a Refreshing Friend?

You could feel the excitement in the air. The man many had seen day after day sitting at the gate Beautiful, was healed today, or at least that’s what the rumor is. With quick steps, I move with the crowd to see for myself if this is true. I wonder how could this happen? There was mention of Jesus, but he was crucified, so I’m uncertain what healed this man. As I round the corner, I hear Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus, speaking to the crowd. As I get closer, I see Peter and the growing group before him. Standing near him is the man, yes, the very man who was daily carried to the gate, but now he is standing up on his legs. I stop suddenly from the shock and amazement at what I am seeing. How can this be? I am genuinely witnessing a miracle right before my eyes.
As Peter is speaking, I find myself leaning in as I am being drawn to his words. “Therefore repent and turn back so that your sins may be wiped out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…” (Acts 2:19-20)
Seasons of refreshing.
Today, in this season of unrest and with the pandemic, I find myself just like this person leaning into the words of Peter. Personally, I need some refreshing. Weariness, difficulties adjusting to changes, chaos, a broken heart at the condition of our world, and uncertainty are all things in the forefront of my mind. How about you?
Peter is showing us the key to refreshing is repenting. You may be thinking, ‘but I’m already a Christian, why do I need to repent?” In Psalms 51:10 we read, “Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.” Now is the time to do the soul searching work, to ask God to show us the exact condition of our hearts and to repent. I want refreshing, desperately, for myself and in our world. I desire the Lord to envelop me in His presence. There is only one way to that, though, and it’s through my repentance.
My heart and soul weeps for the injustice in our world. Right now, I could easily focus on others, what they are saying and doing. I could try to justify my focus on others as well. However, I find myself responding to the tugging in my heart and God’s Word through the Psalmist and Peter. I see within me a heart cry rising up.
Lord, create a clean heart within me. Help me Lord, to not focus on others, but to see the condition of my own heart. Change in our world, in my community, starts with me surrendering to you, Lord. Open my eyes Lord to see the truth within me, the things that I need to confess, to change, the things I need to repent. Show me the yuck within my heart, the impurities, the wrong thinking, and the destructiveness within me. Lord, I desire for our world to be changed, and I ask you to start the change with me. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Our weekly challenge:
- To spend time with Jesus in prayer asking for a clean heart.
- To repent, when Jesus shows us what is not of God in our hearts.
- To actively change our actions, attitudes, words, thoughts, and more that God has shown us that need to be replaced within ourselves.
- To share God’s love with those around us.
- To be the hands and feet of Jesus in love to all who are around us.
I would love to hear from you this week. What is God whispering to your soul as you pray, repent, read God’s Word and seek God’s will for your life? Comment below, visit my website or go to my social media pages to comment. (links below)
P.S. If you have a friend who you believe needs to hear this message, please be sure to share it with them.