Prayer Retreats

When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”

Psalms 27:8

2025 Prayer Retreats

Our 2025 Prayer Retreats for Women

Spending Time with Jesus

Spending Time with Jesus Women’s Prayer Retreat is for the woman who desires to sit at the feet of Jesus and to grow their personal prayer life. 

Join us for a two night prayer retreat where we will have group and personal prayer time, teaching sessions, worship and fellowship. 

Registration is now open

Women Pastors & Leaders

Do you take time for a yearly prayer retreat?

As Pastors and Leaders, it is important that we set time aside to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to what God desires to speak to our hearts. For some, it is about refreshing; for others, it may be for direction. Whatever the reason, setting time aside to quiet our souls before God is vital to our faith.

Join us for a two night prayer retreat where we will have group and personal prayer time, teaching sessions, worship, and fellowship.

Soul Fast

In order to be truly Spirit-led and not flesh-led, we need to die to ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus, wherever that takes us. The question is, how do we do this?

Our Soul Fast Prayer Retreat is for those who are wanting to grow in their faith and relationship with God, who are serious about transformation and ready and willing to surrender to God. 

Join us for a two night prayer retreat where we will have group and personal prayer time, teaching sessions, worship, and fellowship.

Spending Time with Jesus

Date: January 23-25, 2025

Location: Pigeon Forge, TN

Cost: $225 (includes 2 nights and 4 meals)

Women’s Prayer Retreat: Spending Time with Jesus

There’s something so special about setting time aside to quiet the noise around us and to be with God. Just to be in His Presence and to pause and listen to the Holy Spirit. 

Do you take time for a yearly prayer retreat? 

Spending Time with Jesus Women’s Prayer Retreat is for the woman who desires to sit at the feet of Jesus and to grow their personal prayer life. 

Join us for a two night prayer retreat where we will have group and personal prayer time, teaching sessions, worship and fellowship. 

Registration is now open

Women Pastors & Leaders

Date: TBD

Location: Dale Hollow Lake, KY

Cost: $250 (includes 2 nights & 4 meals)

Women’s Pastors & Leaders Prayer Retreat

When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.”Psalms 27:8

Do you take time for a yearly prayer retreat?

As Pastors and Leaders, it is important that we set time aside to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to what God desires to speak to our hearts. For some, it is about refreshing; for others, it may be for direction. Whatever the reason, setting time aside to quiet our souls before God is vital to our faith.

Join us for a two night prayer retreat where we will have group and personal prayer time, teaching sessions, worship, and fellowship.

2025 Summer/Fall Dates TBD

Soul Fast Prayer Retreat

Date: TBD 2025

Location: TBD – Kentucky

Cost: $275 (includes 2 nights, 4 meals, & 30 Day Soul Fast Devotional)

Soul Fast Prayer Retreat

In the world we live in today, so much of the focus is on soulish thoughts and desires. We react to one another out of our flesh, out of our opinion and perceptions, and yes out of our hurts. We project our soulish needs onto others and then get upset with them when they don’t meet our needs.

There is a battle going on within each of us: who will we focus on and what will we feed ourselves on. Is our focus on our thoughts, wants, and feelings or on God, His Word, and spending time in prayer and worship?

Our focus determines the level of relationship we have with God.

Are you wanting more of God in your life? Fast your soul.

Are you needing breakthrough? Fast your soul.

Are you struggling to let go of the past? Fast your soul.

Do you get hurt and offended easily? Fast your soul.

Do your past hurts impact your day to day life? Fast your soul.

Join us for a two night prayer retreat where we will have group and personal prayer time, teaching sessions, worship, and fellowship. Each participant will receive a 30 Day Soul Fast Devotional.

2025 Summer/Fall Dates TBD