How is your soul today? How has your soul been this past week?
If you joined us on my Facebook page, Kristin Clouse, Author & Speaker, you will see each day I posted 3 songs for our 15 minutes of worship with Jesus. I hope you listened to them or found your own songs for your time of daily worship. Disconnecting from the news and social media input and reconnecting with Jesus is vital to dealing with our triggers.
Here’s the thing friend, fear produces fear. When we spend our time focusing on our fears, anxiety triggers, or trauma memories, then we are creating more fear in our lives. Our souls become more worn down and struggle to see good in our lives when we allow fear to overtake us. Now, there is a difference between working through our issues, such as in counseling. The key is to use tools for coping when facing all of our triggers.
Before we move on to our next coping skill for this week in grounding with Christ, I would like for us to recap what we have learned so far on our 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 activity. Remember, our goal is to continue using these skills each week and to add the new one as we go along. This way, we will have five different coping skills to use at the end of our Grounding in Christ series.
Week One: Read 5 Psalms. Meditate on them and turn them into daily prayers over our lives.
Week Two: Write down 4 things you are thankful for each day and then give God thanks for each of them in your daily prayer.
Week Three: Listen to 3 songs for 15 minutes of worship.

(links below to download image)
Week Four – Here’s the plan: This week, our focus is on having a continual 2-way conversation with Jesus. Our goal is to take our attention from singular to plural, from me to we. As we shift our thinking to plural, then our prayer lives change to a two-way conversation with Jesus, which becomes an ongoing conversation throughout our day. We begin to fine-tune our listening skills, and our prayer shifts from a monologue to a conversation with God. It’s about developing our listening skills. We do this by pausing and listening, not rushing the moment, but learning to sit in silence in God’s presence and allowing Him to speak into our lives. It’s about leaning into God and resting in His presence.
On our infographic, for this week, you will find the steps to do just this. A reminder of steps to develop a two-way conversation with Jesus.
I am so grateful for this opportunity to continue on this journey with you. Would you join me as we grow in our relationship with God and focus less on our triggers? I am praying for you and with you, my friend.
I would love to hear from you, my friend, so be sure to comment below your favorite worship songs or how this has impacted you this week.

P.S. If you have a friend who you believe needs to hear this message, please be sure to share it with them.