Deep, God, Kristin Clouse, Restored by Love, Word of the Year

2019 Word of the Year

The sun is setting on December and the dawn of 2019 is upon us. For some as you read this, maybe 2019 has already come, regardless, this year is filled with new beginnings, new hopes, new dreams, and new expectations of what could come in 2019.

2018 was filled with great victories and large defeats. My heart was blessed and broken all in the same year. My word for 2018 was Believe and for sure this year has been about believing. Believing in God. Believing in the good in this world, in spite of the ugliness. Believing in love when my heart is broken. Believing the God of the universe hears me, sees me, and is here for me when life is good and difficult. Believing in God’s faithfulness to finish the work He has started and to trust Him in the process.

As 2019 is upon us, I’ve once again sought God for His leading on His word for me this coming year. Now, some may pick a specific word because that is what they want in their life. Instead, I seek God for His specific word He has for me which signifies the work He is in the process of doing within me.

For those who too would like to hear from God on their word for the year, please see my blog post on finding your word for the year at

For 2019, my word is Deep. Once again I find myself challenged with the thought of this word. As I’ve begun to spend time seeking God on what this word represents, I see this is not a word for the fainthearted. This is a word which requires much from me, in action and heart, but it is a challenge nonetheless I am willing to accept.

God is calling me to dig deep. To do the deep cleansing my soul desperately needs. To lengthen my roots and grow down into the depths of His presence. To do the work deep healing requires no matter how it may hurt at times. To embrace His word when He says deep calls to deep and to be willing to go there with Him. These are just some of the things I hear the Spirit of God whispering to my soul as I am on the dawn of 2019.

I would love to hear what word God gives you for 2019. Please be sure to comment at my blog or join the conversation on my Facebook page at

With Love,