Today I want to take a few moments to chat about Mark 1:35,
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.
Jesus departed to a solitary place and prayed.
Let’s be honest; life brings us so many things. As I sit here working on this devotion, I’m busy this weekend with deadlines that need my attention. Writing projects, an online course I am in the final stages of creating, these devotions, my podcasts, workbooks, and more. My weekend is filled with my to-do list.
Our busyness can distract us from spending time with God.
There is something about the stillness of the morning that draws us to pray and spend time with Jesus. In the quietness, we can pause, reflect, and listen to the voice of God for our lives.
Here’s the thing, how many of us actually do this?
How many of us get up early, before the busyness of the day, and seek God?
Jesus modeled to us a life of prayer. His focus was to be doing the Father’s business here on earth. How did he know what the Father was doing or was directing him to do in a given situation? He spent time with Him in prayer.
Do you need direction for your life? Pray
Do you struggle with some areas? Ask the Father for help.
Is your heart breaking for those in need? Bring their needs to God through prayer.
Talking with Jesus, communing with God, positioning ourselves to hear God’s voice is vital to our spiritual health and growth.
Today, this week, may I encourage you and me to arise early in the morning and spend time with God, seeking His direction, guidance, fellowship, and presence before the busyness of our day takes off.
Indeed, our soul will be refreshed and renewed as we do this daily.