Let’s change the wording on what we are doing during the Covid-19 outbreak. Let’s use the wording “physical isolation” instead of saying “social isolation.” Doesn’t that sound better??
Social isolation gives the concept that we are unable to socialize over the next few weeks. With technology, we can still socially interact. For some of us, we are in our homes with family members, but for others, you may live alone.

Here is a list of 10 Things to do to stay socially “active” during our physical isolation time.
1. Call a friend
2. Video Chat with family members or friends through FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Zoom, WhatsApp…
3. Write letters or send cards (yes this is old school but they can be read over and over)
4. Follow the lead of the people of Italy who sing songs on their balconies in unison. Be creative with this!
5. Connect with friends through social media
6. Talk with a friend on the phone while walking around your home, apartment or yard (virtual walk with your friend via phone ?)
7. Participate in group chats
8. Do a group video call where you can play games with one another, sing songs together, share jokes, eat dinner from your own home…
9. There are so many resources being shared of taking virtual tours of museums and more – “join” a friend to do this together at the same time while on the phone with one another.
10. Join a book club online, through social media, and start chatting.

Okay I know I said only 10 but here are a few extras I’ve thought of after my original post on this: ?
11. Create a prayer group where you join together either on the phone, through video chat apps, or in a zoom meeting.
12. Make a playlist of songs to share with one another. You could do a couple of playlists with different themes – have fun with it!
13. Binge watch the same show with your friend and chat on the phone while doing so.
14. Create a list of exercise goals that can be done from home and get a group of friends to do as well. Text, chat and encourage one another each day as you do them.
15. Find groups through social media with the same areas of interest as yourself. Join the conversation in those groups and make new friends.
16. Follow a schedule. When we follow a schedule it helps us keep a sense of normalcy which is important for our mental health.
17. Do you have a skill? Consider doing a live video through social media giving tips on this skill to others. This could lead do doing a group where you are others with similar interests share your skills with one another.
I would love to hear your ideas to add to the list! Be sure to comment below. Let’s change the language and start calling it physical isolation and not social isolation.