For the past few years, at the beginning of each year, I take time to seek God for His word for my life for the new year that is upon us. Each year the “word” is different. It can be one word, two words or a series of words which describe God’s overall theme. This past year, God’s word to me was “Undiscovered Territory” and truth be told this past year was filled with firsts in my family, personally, professionally, in our church and in walking through grief and loss.
As December came to an end, with a little trepidation, my weary soul sought God for His direction and leading for the year 2016. 2015 was filled with change in all aspects of my life and I wondered “is this a new season for me” as I waited for God to speak to me.
I love that the God I serve, we serve, is multidimensional and is likened to a precious gem with many intricate details and facets. When God spoke to me at the end of December for the ‘word’ for this next year it was as if a fresh breathe of life was placed within me. The words found me as I browsed the internet and leapt off the computer screen right into my heart. I experienced a small taste of what Elizabeth must have felt when she was pregnant with John and he leapt within her when she was with Mary who was pregnant with Jesus.
The words to me for 2016 are “Be Expectant.”
Be expectant…..
In the midst of great change, pain, sorrow, shifting, newness, letting go, blessings and so much more, God was speaking life to my weary soul….
It was as if time stood still as I read those words…. “Be Expectant.”
These words were like salve to my soul, much like a wound that has become dry and the salve brings comfort. I didn’t want to rush them, over analyze them, or put my opinion into what I felt the meaning of these words could be. I sat with them and they with me and I allowed the Breathe of God to fill my soul with fresh life, fresh hope, and fresh peace.
I then began to do what I love to do, research. What does expectant mean and what does God’s Word say about being expectant. The Merriam-Webster online website defines expectant as:
“feeling or thinking that something will happen : expecting something
expecting the birth of a child : soon to become a parent”
In the midst of great change, adjustments, loss, shifting, pain, sorrow, God was whispering to my soul to “Be Expectant.”
Romans 8:15 (MSG) encourages us with:
‘This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending
life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s
next, Papa?”’
I could hear the Spirit of God speaking to my heart a word that went beyond the two words I was reading.
Be expectant….
like a mother who is heavy in pregnancy with child;
anticipating a year of joy and abundance of God’s Presence;
waiting with bated breath for what is to occur;
watchful for God’s leading;
anticipating God’s abundant fruitfulness of life within and out;
adjusting and making room, getting into position for all God has;
and seriously preggers with God’s Word of life!
God’s Word for each of us is filled with His breath and His life. When we wait upon Him, seek Him with all our heart, mind and soul, God is faithful to guide and direct our paths. Our conversations with Him change to, “What’s next, Papa?”
My question to you is this,
“What is God’s Word(s) for you for 2016?”
I encourage you to seek Him, wait upon Him and then when He is done speaking, dig into His Word for a greater understanding of the possibilities which are before you.
I invite you to share with me what your word(s) are for 2016, as I am expectant those words are filled with life for you this year.
Blessings friends,
Ha ha, Be Expectant is my word for 2017!!